TITLE: Three Sheds for Three Sites, Shed III: Collection Shed
(One is at the Museum and Performs the Functions of Home, One is at the Salvage Material Re-Use Center and Performs the Functions of the Museum, One is at the Home of the Artist and performs the Functions of A Collection)
ARTIST:Marian April Glebes
DATE: 2015
MATERIALS: Mixed Media & Audience Participation
DIMENSIONS: Dimensions Variable
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: "Three Sheds for Three Sites, Shed III: Collection Shed (One is at the Museum and Performs the Functions of Home, One is at the Salvage Material Re-Use Center and Performs the Functions of the Museum, One is at the Home of the Artist and performs the Functions of A Collection)" is part of Glebes's year-long residency at the Baltimore Museum of Art's Patricia and Mark Joseph Center for Education (2015-2016). "Three Sheds for Three Sites, Shed III: Collection Shed…" is built in the form of a museum shipping crate in the medium and scale of fine furniture craft. It houses a rotating collection of invited, gifted, or loaned works in conjunction with Glebes's exhibition at the BMA. The Collection Shed is mobile, and travels to alternate locations for exhibitions of the curated works.
The curation and collecting of artworks and artifacts in "Three Sheds for Three Sites, Shed III: Collection Shed…" is on-going. Objects are collected based on their material or conceptual content in relationship to the themes and concepts presented in the BMA's exhibition, "Imagining Home." The Collection Shed collects works that dimensionally fit in standard-sized plastic storage bags, as a reference to archival storage techniques and materials used by the museum for the storage of artworks. Participants may gift or loan an object to the collection by contacting the artist.